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Czy Eskadra Publica, Ecorys i On Board PR złamały kodeks w przetargu UM Poznania?

Rada Etyki Public Relations uznała, że agencje Eskadra Publica i Ecorys w konsorcjum z On Board PR nie naruszyły kodeksu branżowego w przetargu Urzędu Miasta Poznań. Jednak odrębne zdanie wyraziła członkini rady Monika Kaczmarek-Śliwińska.

Dołącz do dyskusji: Czy Eskadra Publica, Ecorys i On Board PR złamały kodeks w przetargu UM Poznania?

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Mites and fleas can finish up hiding from sight and bite you devoid of ever getting noticed. These two creatures may possibly bring about a critical allergic attack. It is crucial which you vacuum your flooring often, retain the bedding fresh and vacuum your furnishings upholstery. Regardless of the fact that a lot of mite species can not be removed totally out of your dwelling, frequent housekeeping can help sustain their amounts no less than at the same time as your allergic reactions reduce. Setting up tile or hardwood flooring also can be an alternative decision to help minimize these creatures.