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Hadouken! gwiazdą Burn Selector Festival

Zespół Hadouken! dołączył do składu Burn Selector Festival 2012. Impreza dobędzie się w 1 i 2 czerwca na krakowskich Błoniach.

Dołącz do dyskusji: Hadouken! gwiazdą Burn Selector Festival

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Another very strong point of infrastructure in Qatar is energy production. There are two very ef?cient power stations that serve the country located in the states of Ras Aby Aboud and Ras Abu Fontas. In 2010 Shell opened a natural gas power plant called The Pearl, which provides fuel for automobiles and aircrafts at signi?cantly lower rates than crude oil. Shell and Qatar are estimated to see billions in pro?t each year from this venture. Recently Qatar has invested a large sum on money into environmentally-conscious fuel options, and is taking strides to cut carbon emissions in the country.